
Pear Therapeutics recauda $ 175 millones y se hace público a través de un acuerdo SPAC para elevar el perfil de la terapéutica digital de prescripción

Pear Therapeutics recauda 175 millones y se hace publicoLa empresa de atención médica digital Pear sale a bolsa y recauda $ 175 millones (farmacia):

Pear hará su debut público hoy después de asociarse con Thimble Point, un vehículo de propósito especial para adquisiciones (SPAC), en un acuerdo que pasó por alto la oferta pública inicial (OPI) tradicional y lo valoró en alrededor de US $ 1.6 mil millones: el dólar ha aumentado. .. Pear se especializa en terapias digitales de prescripción (DTx) basadas en técnicas de terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC) que se aplican de forma remota [patients via a dig­i­tal device. It has three apps approved by the FDA, includ­ing reSET and reSET‑O for peo­ple liv­ing with sub­stance and opi­oid use dis­or­ders, respec­tive­ly, and a tool for chron­ic insom­ni­acs called Somryst.

The com­pa­ny has pre­dict­ed it will make around $4 mil­lion in rev­enues from its DTx port­fo­lio in full-year 2022.

Last month, Pear report­ed progress with its lat­est prod­uct – a DTx for alco­hol use dis­or­der (AUD) called reSET‑A – claim­ing break­through sta­tus from the FDA for the app. It aims to over­come a des­per­ate lack of treat­ments for a con­di­tion esti­mat­ed to affect around 14 mil­lion adults in the US, caus­ing around 95,000 fatal­i­ties every year.

The Announcement:

Pear Ther­a­peu­tics and Thim­ble Point Announce Clos­ing of Busi­ness Com­bi­na­tion to Cre­ate Pub­licly Trad­ed Pre­scrip­tion Dig­i­tal Ther­a­peu­tics Com­pa­ny (press release):

Pear Ther­a­peu­tics, Inc. (“Pear Ther­a­peu­tics”), the leader in devel­op­ing and com­mer­cial­iz­ing soft­ware-based med­i­cines, called pre­scrip­tion dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics (PDTs), announced today the com­ple­tion of its busi­ness com­bi­na­tion with Thim­ble Point Acqui­si­tion Corp. (“Thim­ble Point”) (Nas­daq: THMA), a spe­cial pur­pose acqui­si­tion com­pa­ny (“SPAC”). The pub­licly trad­ed com­pa­ny will be known as Pear Ther­a­peu­tics, Inc. and will com­mence trad­ing on Nas­daq under the tick­er sym­bol “PEAR” on Decem­ber 6, 2022…

My Pear­mates and I are proud to con­tin­ue our lead­er­ship in the cre­ation of pre­scrip­tion dig­i­tal ther­a­peu­tics,” said Corey McCann, M.D., Ph.D., Pear’s Pres­i­dent and Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer. “As a pub­lic com­pa­ny, we aim to accel­er­ate our vision to increase access to PDTs by fur­ther com­mer­cial­iz­ing our three FDA-autho­rized PDTs, expand­ing pub­lic and pri­vate pay­er adop­tion, and advanc­ing our pipeline of PDTs. Thanks to all of our investors for sup­port­ing our suc­cess­ful transition.”

News in Context:

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